Sealed Refractories

Refractories and ceramic monoliths can be effectively sealed and protected by Cerablak® HTS without impacting density or designed porosity, thus preserving thermal insulation properties. They are also effective in limiting sintering over long-term exposures. The sealing prevents gas and moisture ingress and prevents harmful vapors and chemicals from penetrating and reacting with the porous material, thus extending asset life and improving reliability.


Refractory Degradation

Due to their inherent open porosity, refractories and other engineered ceramics are susceptible to ingress from liquid, humidity, and other corrosive vapors that are often reactive at high temperatures. This degradation leads to significant changes in performance and lifetime reduction.


Our Solution:  Cerablak® HTS 

Cerablak® HTS can effectively seal a wide range of porous structures due to its low viscosity, ability to infiltrate very fine pore channels (<100nm), and excellent film-forming capabilities. By selectively sealing fine pore channels, which relates to a high percentage of surface areas, significant reductions in transmission and penetration rates can be achieved with minimal added weight (<2%). As a result, there is minimal impact on designed performance. Extensive internal and customer testing has validated protection on a variety of porous ceramics, including fused silica, silicon nitride, and other advanced ceramic refractories.


Extensive internal and customer testing has validated protection on a variety of porous ceramics, including fused silica, silicon nitride, and other advanced ceramic refractories.  

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